Speak Truth To Self

“The human brain is a complex organ with the wonderful power of enabling man to find reasons for continuing to believe whatever it is that he wants to believe.” – Voltaire A couple of months back, I penned a piece entitled, “Speak Truth to Power.” Rightly, it was a call for us to embody an […]

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While You Are Still Alive

You are still aliveCurrents of your life are cascading nicelyYour mental dipoles are well-alignedYour life’s compass is pointing the true northThen you are the one life is looking for,Life has opportunities,Life has beautiful things,Life has sweet things,And in equal measure,Life has trouble,Life has disappointments,Life has betrayal,Life has turbulences,Therefore,While you are still alive,Accept and get ready […]

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I’m Going To Write Again!

When I started, this writing business, It was all about my desire to share my thoughts with whoever has time to read, Or as providence enabled, serving works of art to those who love creativity, Or sometimes just sharing my opinions without being limited by interruptions that can rechannel my flow of thoughts, But isn’t […]

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Choose your seat and sit down!

When you get to a random space where you can sit anywhere, you don’t have to be keen to locate a specific seat. You can sit anywhere, anytime, and if someone is using that particular space, they better get themselves another space or stand if they can’t secure another. However, things do not work like […]

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Vivre la vie

“Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom.” It is said that old is gold. Yes, old is incomparably priceless and inconceivably graceful. Quite frankly though, despite its glee and glam, old is oftentimes seen as bleak and weak – lacking the iridescent sparkle of life compared […]

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The Bigger Deal

“Be the reason someone believes in good people.” This is one of the notable quotes which oftentimes grace our social media handles. And quite unexpectedly, I met its fulfillment just a couple of weeks ago, an experience that’s worth reminiscing about and drawing a couple of lessons from. As any visitor frequently does while visiting […]

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Facing our Mortality

“With life as short as a half-taken breath, don’t plant anything but love.” – Rumi We’ve heard of people who claim to have ‘cheated’ death, haven’t we? Probably, one was supposed to have taken a certain flight yet they slept over their alarm and missed it. Unfortunately, the plane never reached its destination safely. It […]

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Life’s Best Things

There are many things we cannot do, There are great places we will always see on the internet, There are some foods we may handle only writing and imagination, And talk about lifestyle… Can the world allow all of us to afford a fortnight in Acapulco or the Maldives? What about a month in the […]

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