To Speak or not to Speak

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King Jr. Over the past few days, a lot has happened in our beloved country of Kenya. I attempt to answer one pertinent question which has repeatedly been tendered on social media spaces, “Why are the Christians silent?” […]

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While You Are Still Alive

You are still aliveCurrents of your life are cascading nicelyYour mental dipoles are well-alignedYour life’s compass is pointing the true northThen you are the one life is looking for,Life has opportunities,Life has beautiful things,Life has sweet things,And in equal measure,Life has trouble,Life has disappointments,Life has betrayal,Life has turbulences,Therefore,While you are still alive,Accept and get ready […]

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I’m Going To Write Again!

When I started, this writing business, It was all about my desire to share my thoughts with whoever has time to read, Or as providence enabled, serving works of art to those who love creativity, Or sometimes just sharing my opinions without being limited by interruptions that can rechannel my flow of thoughts, But isn’t […]

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