Genuine Concern – The Lifeblood of Relationships

“Our passions are ignited when we set out to advance a cause greater than ourselves.” – Simon Sinek Towards the end of 2023, the firing of OpenAI’s  CEO (the company behind ChatGPT)caught the tech world by surprise. Of course, less than three days later, he was reinstated to his position and life moved back to […]

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The Bigger Deal

“Be the reason someone believes in good people.” This is one of the notable quotes which oftentimes grace our social media handles. And quite unexpectedly, I met its fulfillment just a couple of weeks ago, an experience that’s worth reminiscing about and drawing a couple of lessons from. As any visitor frequently does while visiting […]

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Networking 101

Networking is the new currency of transacting the exchange between people and opportunities. If you have been keen enough, you must have heard people saying, “Your network is your net worth,” and I wouldn’t debate that opinion.  Before we go further, it is essential that we read from the same page. By experience, I have […]

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Don’t Act Surprised!

You are doing the same thing,  But you have lots of expectations that the result would be different,  Just the way you did it on the day you failed,  Why act surprised that the result is the same? You leave by Train… Why act surprised that you neither land nor have to deal with jet […]

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