We need each other!!

“We need joy as we need air. We need love as we need water. We need each other as we need the earth we share.” – Maya Angelou Ever recalled or re-read a piece of advice you gave to someone in times past only to stand amazed by the kind of wisdom you spewed? Perfect […]

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God Has Done His Part! 

God has done His part,Giving us His only son to die a vicarious death for us,Whether we accept Him or not is up to us,But in Him only is life eternal. God has done His part,Granting us a Sabbath day for rest and holy convocation,Whether we accept the rest and partake of its blessings is […]

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Beware of passing clouds!!

The grass is always greener on the other side of the road. Or is it? I have been around for quite some time to conclude that this isn’t always true. I have observed masses who turned out to vote en masse, dethroning an incumbent despite their evident track record; for they supposed a newbie would […]

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The Problem With Bread Alone

While the world has made substantial steps in feeding its increasing population, which stands at 8.1 billion in 2023, ‘Another Category of Malnutrition’ remains. This is a category that people can debate about and ignore when strategizing and budgeting for our global needs, which I don’t have any problem with because who can budget for […]

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