The Thoughts of a Pilgrim

He thinks of himself,Will he get to the finish line,To the home, sweet Beulah landThat which he often dreams ofAs his thoughts build the castlesThrough the pearly gatesIts walls decked with jewelsThose castles he has never seenStill, he gets off his thoughtsAnd ponders upon the glories unseen The master said,He goes to prepare a place […]

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Men, An Irrelevant Species?

“We can be passionate about women’s rights and compassionate toward vulnerable boys and men… We need a pro-social masculinity for a post-feminist world.” – Richard Reeves. Deep within every human is a desire to feel needed, useful, and resourceful. This intrinsic inclination mostly determines the kind of relationships we forge and the type of vocations […]

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A Good Laughter

Image source: iStock Good things taste nice. Like a bite of a warm chocolate chip cookie that tastes great! Or a peal of good laughter with friends after a long, hectic, and tiresome day. Well, it’s not the laugh you make with mama mboga over the tightening state of affairs in the country, about everything […]

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Men, A Necessary Evil?

“Male and female stand and fall together. If men fall into a bad way, women will be soon to follow, and vice versa” – Anthony Esolen Yesterday, in most parts of the world, Father’s day was rightly celebrated. After all, the importance of the man in a child’s life cannot be overstated enough. In the […]

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