What is Life?

“Our greatest fear should not be of failure … but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.” – Francis Chan It is said that there are two things humans can’t avoid: death and taxes (though some have already perfected the art of cheating the system and evading taxes, that’s a story for […]

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I Want to Meet This Girl Again

I met a little girl,She was doing her little childlike contributions to humanity,Her mother was in the vicinity,Doing the endless duties that all mothers keep doing all day long,When the little girl saw me pass by,She wore her best smile,A smile I could not resist nor ignore,“What is your name?” She asked with a broader […]

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The Good Ancestor

“The older I get I realize my mom was right, but I just didn’t like her tone.” When I saw this post doing rounds on social media a while ago, I called to mind the old adage loosely translated as follows: “Giving birth isn’t a problem; the real deal is raising up a child.” From […]

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You are enough

Sometimes last week while at the office, I received an all-familiar comment from someone: “You should talk more often, for you rarely do. It’ll help you feel more relaxed.” You see, we live in a world that operates on untenable expectations: Quiet is considered uncouth while loud is celebrated. Athletic bodies are adored while lean […]

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Love is Not in the Air

Love is not in the airAir is a bad conductor of loveBut love is in kind wordsRightly spoken in content and contextLove is in quality timeSpent in building, bonding and cementing friendshipsLove is in little sacrificesWhich is a big deal to those in needLove is in forgivenessEspecially when the guilt is apparent and inexcusableLove is […]

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Shut up! No One Is Listening!

If there is one thing that diverse experiences with people have taught me, it is that I need to keep quiet. Talk is cheap, and people are not moved by it anymore. People want actions and executions. So, you, too, need to shut your mouth and begin showing us your ways. And if you don’t […]

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