A Threefold Shield For The Mankind

Mankind came from the hands of the creator with a great capacity for improvement and eventually ushered into full access to the very presence of God. Before the man can be uplifted to repopulate the heavens, he must prove himself faithful to God, not in some ways but in all ways. God provided everything that man needed before creating him. 

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Power From Above

We have come to the most technologically advanced age in history.  We can travel space using rockets and other versatile spaceships. We can communicate with people far and wide using computers, ipads, mobile phones etc.  What about the reality on the ground? Are we more entertained and happy? Are we more improved and mentally strong? […]

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The Signboard Leading Sinwards

The Signboard Leading To SinHas no sin written anywhereIt looks as though it’s a higher privilegeAccepting to take the final turn ‘sinwards’. The Signboard Leading To SinHas in its carefully written prospectusThings that don’t look sinfulSuch things as “let’s live for the moment.” The Signboard Leading To SinAppeals to our false concept of God’s goodness,God’s […]

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GOD or your ALARM?

God woke me up at 3 as usual,But I made a decision to trust my alarm,And went back to sleepIntending to be up at 4 at the intervention of my alarm,But it didn’t go off as expected, Yet I had to run a program at 5 spanning forty minutes,So got myself in trouble,And God stopped […]

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The Year is still Fair

The Year is still fair,With our Resolutions lying on our tables,We all can be what we wanna be,We can start and bring to completion what we wanna do,Yet with the ground fair to all,And time still being an equal opportunity employer,We definitely will have different results at the end of the annium,While all can claim […]

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