The Story behind the story

”Those who advance most as human beings are those with the self-awareness to know when they have screwed up, and what they must do to get better. They have lived full lives, yes; but they have also learned deep lessons” – Sunny Bindra Have you ever found yourself in an audience where the speaker is […]

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Struggling Against Wind and Tide

I’m in a struggle against wind and tide,So I will put forth different armament,Than those cruising on waters calm and balm,I can’t take a moment’s sabbatical from rowing and towing.For those in cool waters a nap is affordable,But for me no room to wink or blink,My gaze must remain keen and steady,I can’t laze or […]

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A firm and Desperate Companionship

It’s a firm union,Sustained with sable pinion,That exists between folks essentially evil,And the devil, But though firm,It’s it’s only for a term,It’s a desperate companionship,And a failed internship, While the sinner wants but cannot escape,The devil is equally unable to scape,And sooner when the devil must be cremated, Sinner’s only chance will be declared unconsummated, […]

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Whose Daughter is She?

You’ve finally met her,The girl you have seen only in your dreams,Her skin tone is your description of recherche,The shape of her legs looks destined to traverse the hills where your father’s home is situated,When she talks, you don’t want to interrupt because her voice makes you a melody of love,She has stolen your heart, […]

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