The Paradox of Money

Money makes the world go round. It is such a great enabler that virtually everything revolves around it: from economies to societies, countries to companies, you name it. At an individual level, its importance cannot be overemphasized enough. The toil we accept and the ‘roughing up’ along the way as we pursue it justifies and […]

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How are You Doing?

How are you doing, friend?Did you just say, “I am fine?”How can it be that you are fine yet have just taken another dart from the chains of addiction you are battling?As usual, you have lied to yourself, “Let me sin for the Last Time!”The very last time, like all addicts, say. How are you […]

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Battle Won by Death Wound

Birth to us means a new beginning,But to Him, birth meant a welcome into the battlefield,So how does a baby fight?Can he raise a standard against his enemy?Or stand inch by inch to wield his javelin and arrows?When he stepped out, he was always embattled,But He managed a perfect childhood,Graduated into faultless manhood,Conducted a holy […]

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The Paradox of Age

Growing up in an average Kenyan home in the early 2000s had some exciting challenges: restrictions as to what to wear, what to watch on TV, when to sleep, what to eat, how to behave to avoid military-style canings etc. Sorry to digress, but it reminds me of a meme I saw a while back […]

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