I want to be Great!

I want to be Great!Not by taking advantage of the ignorance of the people,Nor knocking down those who possess what I need in order to feel great,Neither by swindling people into selling their birthright to me,But I want to be great…,By waking up a while earlier than everyone to accomplish some tasks,By spending my liquor […]

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Do Animals Have Moral Responsibility?

I think animals to some extent know what is right and wrong within their acceptable framework. That is why a donkey will kick in retaliation to show their dissatisfaction when cornered with overwork, and dogs will play with and hug familiar faces but scare life out of strangers. I have an experience with goats when I was a little boy, that is coming in handy in this discourse. I remember some goats which would slither on their bellies like snakes when invading plantations to escape the all-seeing-eye of a herdsman

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