Come Rest a While

And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught. And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while:

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I miss Myself

I miss myself,The glad trusting me who was confident that solutions would come,The care free me who walked around making powerful melodies of “This is my Father’s world”,The consistent me who kept their circadian rhythm at synchrony,The studious me who kept advancing voraciously for the Good Book,The faithful me who could be trusted with duties,The […]

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As a little boy,I knew as my mother,A strict disciplinarian,She was careful that we must be different,She was careful to know who my friends were,She was concerned with whom I chose as a deskmate,And she was ever there to be seen,In school, she was a member of the committee,In Church, she was a member of […]

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I Don’t Want Justice

I have been hurt,I have been robbed,I have been suppressed and intimidated,I have been mangled down by the merciless hand of the oppressor,I have been made a fool of by him that rejoices in holding captive, the bodies and souls of men,I have had to swallow the hard pill of blatant disappointments,Or worse still, put […]

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