The Poem I Penned on 1st January 2020

On the first January 2020, I heard a great impression to write up a poem which to me can summarize how 2020 has been. If you were already close to me then, you may be seeing it for the second time. Here’s the poem: It’s Not Gonna be Easy As the time pass And periods […]

Read More The Poem I Penned on 1st January 2020

Why Leaders Must Tread Softly On Controversial Issues; Francis Should Have Known Better.

On Wednesday 21st October, 2020, the news headlines egregiously captured the World’s attention with the title, “Pope Francis endorses same sex Union!” “How can it be so and yet he is a church leader who is supposed to defend the ‘moral code’ of the society?” Some are even calling it double standards and great apostasy. […]

Read More Why Leaders Must Tread Softly On Controversial Issues; Francis Should Have Known Better.